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Rent Christmas

Rent A Real Christmas Tree
TL;DR Sustainable Options:
Long Interesting Version
Come on, become an expert..!
When it comes to sorting a Christmas tree you think it would be hard enough without having to save the planet at the same time. We’ve done the research for you so you can make the best decision on hiring your Christmas tree this year.
Why do people want to rental Christmas trees?
1. Sustainability, everyone wants to make the greenest choice. So where to start?
2. They don’t want to hurt the innocent little tree-tree??
Real or fake: which Christmas tree is most sustainable?
The answer is…it depends
Most sustainable options in order:
1. The most sustainable option is to cancel Christmas! Humbug! If you don't have a tree then you won't cause any additional greenhouse gases. Apart from making all the little children cry! Meanie!!
2. If you already have an artificial tree then its better to keep using it rather than rent a Christmas tree. You already did a bad thing buying it in 1987 don’t make it worse! Live with the error of your ways. Unless it’s a maroon tinsel number, in which case you have our blessing.
3. The next best option and the one we’ve all been waiting for… a real Christmas tree! Yahh! Beautiful, festive and environmentally friendly! But which is the best of the Real tree hire options?
Rental Christmas trees - the options:
All real Christmas trees are a sustainable rent a Christmas tree option. Regardless of whether it is a fresh cut tree or a potted option.
Growing any type of tree is almost always a good thing for the environment and the planets resources. The idea being trees absorb carbon dioxide as well as providing a range of habitats for wildlife.
Remember; Christmas trees grown in the UK are a crop. Harvesting them is a million miles from going into native woods, sneaking up on a tree and chopping it down.
We've not Swedish!
Rental Christmas trees:
Artificial Xmas tree vs Cut Christmas trees vs Potted trees.
TL;DR: We recommend fresh cut trees as the greenest option.
You would think that the potted tree would still win the which-is-greenest contest right?
Well, it really depends...here's the environmental benefits
The biggest CO2 for all the trees discussed after 'creation' is disposal. Any of the options ending up in landfill is a no-no.
Artificial trees will end up there at some point.
>> Evil Plastic discarded Christmas Trees! Go rental Christmas trees! <<
As long as you don't dispose of your fresh cut tree in landfill you are doing well. Most councils offer specialist Christmas tree recycling schemes. If your council doesn't you an book a collection with us and we will recycle the tree responsibly.
Potted trees need to stay alive to not end up in landfill. This is where Christmas tree hire companies near you may fall down. Keeping a tree a live in a pot requires special care and attention. The correct choice of rented Christmas tree between Norway Spruce or another festive tree? Either way the tree needs to be kept in a cool place, watered and indoors for no more than a couple of weeks.
We estimate about 50% of hired trees in pots will make it through to next year. Being a lumpy great tree in a pot makes it impractical to chip; so it will most likely end up in landfill.
Not disposing of your tree responsibility has the greatest impact on your Christmas tree's carbon count. The Carbon Trust explains a 6ft tall cut Christmas tree ending up in landfill has a carbon cost of 16kg CO2e. One that is recycled (by Elves for example) produces less than a quarter of that. about 3.5kg CO2e.
A 6ft artificial tree has a carbon footprint of 40kg CO2e. Artificial trees generally come all the way from China. They are unlikely to be recyclable. You'll need to get at least 10 uses out of an artificial tree to get close to a real tree's stainable credentials.
Last mile delivery and collection also adds to the carbon cost. A fresh cut tree takes up a lot less space in a van (and weighs less) than a tree in a pot. This means we can deliver 50 cut trees in a van instead of 20 potted trees.
So much to consider!

What are the Christmas tree hire options?
Hire small real Christmas trees
If you’d like to rent a living Christmas tree then this is the option for you. These trees are pot grown to ensure the best chance of survival and can be re planted. Buy the tree outright and add recycling to your order.
Rent medium sized real Christmas trees will all the decorations
When it comes to decorations or tree themes, the Good Elf provides you enough options. There are three standard themes available to rent Christmas trees UK.
*Ice White/Silver
*Traditional Red
*Shiny Gold
If you'd like any other colour we are sure to be able to do that too. Apart from the theme, you can also choose the size of the Christmas trees for hire.
Get a large Christmas tree on hire
With rental trees you're not limited this festive period. We have a specialist team planning and executing large Christmas tree installation where we decorate the rented tree. Elves work throughout the festive period for councils and venues up and down the country.
Need a massive Christmas tree and don’t know where to start?
We offer a range of tree sizes from 4 to 40 feet. If you want to get a quote before giving on order, you can request a detailed quote for the Christmas trees for rent.
If you need to hire rental trees for your office or venue then this is the option for you. A real fresh cut tree including professional decoration and hire of everything you need to make a Christmas statement.
Get an Elf on it!
What Is Christmas Tree Rentals Service?
A tree rental service might be something new for you. Our Christmas tree rental service offer's Nordmann fir or Norway spruce Christmas trees. There are many companies offering different types of services.
Elves prefer real Christmas tree rentals rather that fake rent a Christmas options. Most of the artificial trees are not recyclable and leave a big ugly carbon footprint. Environmentalists are asking people to make choices that don’t harm our planet. They are sold on renting a huge ranges of items.
You can play your part by not buying an artificial tree. You can choose to rent a tree to avoid all the efforts. Good Elf started from a single site hiring as a London Christmas tree rental service. We've grown every Christmas season and are now the leading nationwide rent a Christmas tree near me company. Not only this, but they will also take it back and recycle after the season.
Christmas trees are exciting and rental Christmas trees for the festive period deliver fun in a pot!
Renting rocks, rent a Christmas tree, get your Elf on!

What Is Christmas Tree Rentals Service?
A tree rental service might be something new for you. Our Christmas tree rental service offer's Nordmann fir or Norway spruce Christmas trees. There are many companies offering different types of services.
Elves prefer real Christmas tree rentals rather that fake rent a Christmas options. Most of the artificial trees are not recyclable and leave a big ugly carbon footprint. Environmentalists are asking people to make choices that don’t harm our planet. They are sold on renting a huge ranges of items.
Make it a Green Christmas
You can play your part by not buying an artificial tree. You can choose to rent a tree to avoid all the efforts. Good Elf started from a single site hiring as a London Christmas tree rental service. We've grown every Christmas season and are now the leading nationwide rent a Christmas tree near me company. Not only this, but they will also take it back and recycle after the season.
Christmas trees are exciting and rental Christmas trees for the festive period deliver fun in a pot!
Renting rocks, rent a Christmas tree, get your Elf on!